Why is Ron George on Trial for Saving Babies?
Ron George is one of ten members of Church @ TheRock in Brooklyn who were dragged into court in a federal harassment lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
These pro-life sidewalk counselors have been offering life-affirming alternatives to women outside the Choices Women’s Medical Center abortion facility in Jamaica, New York. Ron shares with us why he's on the front lines to stop abortion.
"I’ve always recognized abortion as a wrongful act that took the life of an innocent child, but never knew just how severe of a problem abortion was within my Brooklyn community until I did the research. Right in my own backyard, the rates of children being aborted are greaterthan the rates of children being born," Ron said.
"One of the main areas that I focus on is to point out during my time on the sidewalk the problem of societal deception. I am there to appeal to those taking their children to the doors of death. The simple science that I teach to my middle school students expresses the fact that the product of sexual reproduction is a human being, even in the earliest stages of development. We have let truths like this slip away as society makes abortion about so many other issues that seem to trump the value of the smallest humans around us."
"Now a persecution has met us in the form of a civil lawsuit. Yet, God has provided an incredible legal team who shares a heart to reach the unborn and their parents in the form of the Thomas More Society. As we move through a lawsuit filed by those who don’t want these women to hear our appeal, we cannot say enough about the work that the Thomas More Society has done on our behalf in fighting for our First Amendment rights to continue to openly appeal to women and children in their darkest hour."
Read about our case, People of the State of New York v. Rev. Kenneth Griepp, here.