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July 7, 2020

U.S. Supreme Court Hands Pro-Life Advocates “Stealth Victory” in Louisiana Abortion “Defeat”

U.S. Supreme Court Hands Pro-Life Advocates “Stealth Victory” in Louisiana Abortion “Defeat”

July 7, 2020
Staff Writer
July 7, 2020

U.S. Supreme Court Hands Pro-Life Advocates “Stealth Victory” in Louisiana Abortion “Defeat”

Thomas More Society Counsel Michael McHale finds the silver lining in a recent United States Supreme Court decision that was disappointing for pro-life advocates. On the surface, June Medical v. Russo, which denied a state's right to protect women by requiring abortionists to have hospital-admitting privileges, seems to be a victory for abortion proponents. McHale’s analysis shows a different point of view how this decision "opens the door for a new wave of pro-life legislation that can and will save lives."

July 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Cheer up pro-lifers: there appears to be a victory within the settling dust of the sputtering and rickety finish of the current Supreme Court term.

Pro-lifers have rightly condemned the Supreme Court’s decision in June Medical Services v. Russo for striking down Louisiana’s common-sense requirement of hospital admitting privileges for abortionists. But there is reason for hope. In fact, as many pro-abortion voices have already recognized, the decision in June Medical appears in many ways to be a stealth pro-life victory.

Read the entire Michael McHale opinion piece from LifeSiteNews here.