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September 17, 2019

Thomas More Society Founder Honored with Prestigious Life and Religious Liberty Defense Award

Thomas More Society Founder Honored with Prestigious Life and Religious Liberty Defense Award

September 17, 2019
Staff Writer
September 17, 2019

Thomas More Society Founder Honored with Prestigious Life and Religious Liberty Defense Award

Thomas More Society founder, President and Chief Counsel Tom Brejcha, has been named as the 2019 recipient of the prestigious William Bentley Ball Life and Religious Liberty Defense Award by the Christian Legal Society. Brejcha will be presented with the honor at the 2019 Christian Legal Society National Conference, occurring October 31 through November 3 in Chicago. The coveted award is bestowed upon Brejcha for his significant contribution to the cause of the sanctity of human life and religious liberty.

The award is named for the late William Bentley Ball, a constitutional lawyer nationally known for his defense of religious doctrine and practice against secular encroachment. Ball argued nine cases before the United States Supreme Courtand devoted his time and talent to legal controversies large and small.

According to Christian Legal Society President Sally Wagenmaker:

“Tom Brejcha is a passionate hero - among lawyers and of the faith. Through his tireless advocacy for pro-life, religious liberty, and pro-family causes, he has successfully protected our deepest Christian beliefs as reflected in our country’s core values. Equally impressive, he has pursued this God-given mission consistently with brilliance, respectfulness shown to all, a willingness to champion others’ contributions, and wry humor thrown in for good measure.”

Just over twenty years ago, Tom Brejcha birthed the Thomas More Society nonprofit public interest law firm in the struggles of the pro-life movement. Since then he has continued to shepherd it through an array of life-affirming legal victories.

The name Brejcha chose for his law firm is telling. In the 16th century, Sir Thomas More stayed true to God despite the wishes of King Henry VIII. Five hundred years later, Tom Brejcha brings the law to the defense of those who follow God – despite the pressures of modern culture. The story of the Thomas More Society is a tale of two Toms – one a Saint, the other living in the pattern of that Saint - putting God above all.

Brejcha eagerly shares his Christian worldview and gives his perspective on providing the legal defense for those who defend life. “Banding together with fellow citizens to advocate for the sanctity of each and every human life – born and unborn, wanted or allegedly ‘unwanted’ – are precious rights of all American citizens,” he declared.

Thomas More Society Chairman of the Board Ann Scheidler spoke of Brejcha and his work:

“Tom has been a friend and trusted legal counsel to the pro-life movement for many years. His personal sacrifice, unwavering commitment, and relentless pursuit to restore respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty, have raised him as a standard of excellence in the legal realm. Yet he remains a humble man, giving all credit to his Creator.”

Scheidler has personal reasons to be thankful for Brejcha and his legal accomplishment. Her husband, Joe Scheidler, was the target in the landmark abortion case that was at the root of the Thomas More Society’s creation, NOW v. Scheidler.

Andrew Bath, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Thomas More Society, said:

“We celebrate this visionary man, Tom Brejcha, who was audacious enough to think he could take on the goliath abortion industry by himself. NOW v. Scheidler changed the face of pro-life sidewalk activism nationwide. Over the course of 28 years, Tom appealed to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals four times and the United States Supreme Court three times. In the end, Tom emerged triumphant, winning a unanimous victory before the United States Supreme Court. Tom is truly a lion of the pro-life movement.”

"Tom is truly a lion of the pro-life movement,” said Andrew Bath, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Thomas More Society.

Brejcha strives daily to defend the sanctity of human life as bestowed by the Creator and the freedom of religion as protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Along with his team, Brejcha is deeply engaged in protecting the unborn, preserving traditional marriage, and defending religious freedom. From keeping Baby Jesus in the manger of nativity scenes in public squares across America to fighting for justice for pro-life advocates in the United States Supreme Court, he has remained passionate, practiced, and persistent. Brejcha is focused on safeguarding the legal rights of individuals to be free from government persecution, upholding the right of faith-based businesses to refuse to pay for abortions, and guarding against the creeping, pervasive erosion of religious freedom and devaluing of Christian beliefs and practices.

Brejcha relies on principle and character as he continues to steer the Thomas More Society, headquartered in Chicago and Omaha, as it provides high quality pro bono legal services from local trial courts all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. The firm has grown and the number of cases has increased exponentially, but the focus has never swerved. Preserving the sanctity of human life and preserving religious liberty remain paramount and are still the driving forces behind Brejcha’s vocation.