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May 21, 2021

Seattle Area City Ceases Unconstitutional Discrimination Against Pro-Life Advocates

Seattle Area City Ceases Unconstitutional Discrimination Against Pro-Life Advocates

May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021

Seattle Area City Ceases Unconstitutional Discrimination Against Pro-Life Advocates

Pro-life sidewalk counselors are back on the sidewalk in Everett, Washington, thanks to the legal work of the Thomas More Society.

The Everett City Attorney and police department had banned everyone – including pro-life sidewalk counselors – from the sidewalk in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in the town 25 miles north of Seattle, after pro-abortion protestors had started a single confrontation. Following that, the city and police granted preferential position to the pro-abortion agitators, allowing them to stand immediately across the street from the abortion venue. The peaceful pro-life advocates were banished far down the street away from the entrance to the distant corners.

On May 19, 2021, after pressure from the Thomas More Society, the city informed the not-for-profit, national public interest law firm that it was removing all restrictions.

The life advocates represented by the Thomas More Society are participants in two national pro-life initiatives, Sidewalk Advocates for Life and 40 Days for Life. Both groups are committed to peaceful outreach aimed at ending abortion, and neither will tolerate any violence or hostility exhibited by its participants.

“No one should be banished to the far corners for offering aid and peaceful prayer, as happened here,” said Thomas More Society attorney Matt Heffron.

“We wrote to the city and provided a detailed analysis of the constitutional cases that apply to the facts of the situation in Everett. We also told them that we would be filing a lawsuit if they continued. It was a clear violation of the First Amendment rights of the pro-life sidewalk counselors,” explained Heffron.

“In the end, the city did the right thing,” concluded Heffron. “It just takes some legal pressure at times. That’s what the Thomas More Society is here for.”

The Thomas More Society will continue to monitor the situation.

Read the letter sent on May 11, 2021, by the Thomas More Society to the Everett City Attorney, of Everett, Washington, demanding that the city rescind the policy that unconstitutionally impedes pro-life advocacy outside the local Planned Parenthood abortion facility here.
