Pastor John MacArthur’s Religious Freedom Upheld in Los Angeles County Superior Court

The Los Angeles County Superior Court announced on August 20, 2020, that there is no court order prohibiting Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church from holding indoor worship services. The renowned minister and his Sun Valley, California, congregation are being targeted by the County of Los Angeles, which has made repeated attempts to shut down the non-denominational, evangelical megachurch. Thomas More Society Special Counsel Charles LiMandri is representing the church, defending the religious freedom of the pastor and congregants against the county’s unconstitutional violation of the right to worship together.
MacArthur and Grace Community Church are suing the county – and the state of California – for attempting to shut down their worship under COVID-related orders that violate the state’s constitution. The lawsuit was filed after MacArthur received a cease and desist letter prohibiting indoor worship and threatening him with fines and imprisonment should Grace Community continue to worship in their church building.
Background information on Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church’s legal battle to worship freely:
Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church Under Attack by Los Angeles County (released 8.19.20)
Read the Thomas More Society’s Complaint filed with the Superior Court for the State of California – County of Los Angeles, in Grace Community Church and Pastor John MacArthur v. Gavin Newsom et al., Los Angeles v. Grace Comm Church filing (August 14, 2020).
Read the Demand Letter sent to Pastor John MacArthur by attorney Jason Tokoro, representing the County of Los Angeles in California, on July 29, 2020, here.