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April 2, 2021

Jesus’ Easter Cross Rises on Chicago Daley Plaza to Help Overcome Pandemic Fears

Jesus’ Easter Cross Rises on Chicago Daley Plaza to Help Overcome Pandemic Fears

April 2, 2021
April 2, 2021

Jesus’ Easter Cross Rises on Chicago Daley Plaza to Help Overcome Pandemic Fears

On April 1, 2021, a giant 19-foot-high Easter cross was erected in Chicago’s Daley Plaza as the initial event of an Easter season observance. It will be displayed on the plaza at 50 West Washington Street downtown until April 7.

The Thomas More Society joined with private citizens to co-sponsor the “Jesus in Daley Plaza” display. This is the fourteenth year that the Chicago-headquartered national public interest law firm has presented the large Easter display to offer hope and offset fears in a time of pandemic stress.

“Many things have changed in downtown Chicago over this past year due to government regulations during the pandemic, but one thing remains the same, the Easter cross in Daley Plaza. The downtown display represents a constitutionally protected expression of faith by private citizens in a public forum,” explained Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Society President and Chief Counsel. “This Easter display is privately funded and sponsored, bereft of any government aid or endorsement, and therefore is clothed and armored with the full protection of the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution.”

The Thomas More Society regularly assists groups and individuals across the country, defending their First Amendment right to express religious beliefs freely and openly in traditional public forums. They are called upon to serve in this capacity year-round, but especially during the Easter and Christmas holidays.