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September 20, 2021

Florida Abortionist Closes Shop Permanently Following Investigation by Women’s Watchdog Organization

Florida Abortionist Closes Shop Permanently Following Investigation by Women’s Watchdog Organization

September 20, 2021
September 20, 2021

Florida Abortionist Closes Shop Permanently Following Investigation by Women’s Watchdog Organization

A notorious abortionist in Port Charlotte, Florida, has permanently closed his abortion venue, following a yearlong investigation led by Reprotection, Inc., a national women’s watchdog organization that works to shut down dangerous abortion providers. Together with Thomas More Society attorneys and concerned Florida citizens, Reprotection brought multiple complaints against abortionist Ali Azima and his Venice Women's Health Center to the attention of the Florida Department of Health.

After receiving reports from eyewitnesses in Port Charlotte about Azima’s repeated endangerment of patients, Reprotection’s investigation verified the abortionist’s history of medical negligence, previous medical license suspension, and lack of a license to legally operate his abortion business.

“We are so glad that Ali Azima has retired and stopped harming women and killing children in Florida," said Missy Stone, Senior Analyst at Reprotection. “With one more abortion business shut down, lives will be saved and women’s health will no longer be endangered. Reprotection will continue to investigate dangerous doctors and abortion businesses nationwide and hold them accountable.”

“It is cases like this one that make the work of Reprotection so important. I assume Azima shut his shop at least in part because Reprotection kept documenting his atrocious failures,” stated Matt Heffron, Senior Counsel at the Thomas More Society which often works with Stone and her team.

“But this highlights a question that must be answered: Why do so many governmental units avoid their duties to regulate abortion facilities?” asked Heffron. “If Azima had been in any other business, you can be assured there would have been swift action to protect the public. The fact that he was still in business after so many complaints and verified violations is astounding.”

Documented concerns about Azima, in addition to his operation of an unlicensed and uninspected facility and previously suspended medical license, include:
  • Observed mental and physical impairments including uncontrollably shaking hands
  • Failure to obtain medical histories and monitor key health factors prior to performing surgical abortions
  • Performance of incomplete abortion surgeries
  • Implantation of birth control devices in women who were already pregnant, resulting in emergency abortions
  • Failure to comply with required post-surgical practices to ensure abortion completion and patient’s physical and emotional well-being

Reprotection launched its investigation into Azima when witnesses observed a woman in physical distress running out of Venice Women's Health Center partially undressed with blood running down her legs. Pro-life advocates present outside the abortion venue found out that she had been in the middle of an abortion and assisted her in obtaining emergency medical help.

In collaboration with local life advocates, the Reprotection team filed several complaints with the Florida Department of Health's Division of Medical Quality Assurance and Division of Health Quality Assurance, the state’s elected officials, and the governor's office, alerting them that Azima was a grave threat to the health and safety of Florida women. Prompted by Reprotection’s complaints, the Florida Department of Health opened an investigation. Shortly thereafter, Azima announced that he was closing his abortion venue on September 3, 2021.
