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July 23, 2020

Freedom Fighter Ferrara Joins All Star Defenders of Life, Family, and Religious Liberty

Freedom Fighter Ferrara Joins All Star Defenders of Life, Family, and Religious Liberty

July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020

Freedom Fighter Ferrara Joins All Star Defenders of Life, Family, and Religious Liberty

The Thomas More Society announces that renowned Attorney Christopher A. Ferrara has joined the firm as Special Counsel. Ferrara is working out of the Thomas More Society’s New York metropolitan office in Fairfield, New Jersey, as well as from Whitestone, New York. In New York, he recently scored a major victory against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, obtaining a preliminary injunction against their draconian COVID-19 “lockdown” executive orders that single out churches and synagogues for especially tight restrictions that are neither supported by science nor permitted by the constitution.

“We are excited to have Christopher Ferrara join our team,” stated Andrew Bath, Executive Vice President and General Counsel. “He is a fierce and accomplished advocate for life and religious liberty who will be a great addition as the Thomas More Society pursues its mission to restore respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty.”

He is also litigating against New York’s employment laws that violate the rights of pro-life pregnancy centers at both the city and state level.

In New Jersey, he is spearheading the firm’s fight against New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s own religion-inhibiting “lockdown,” which has targeted a Catholic church and Jewish synagogue, whose rabbi was hauled off to jail in handcuffs for an “illegal gathering.” He is also defending a New Jersey woman whose condo association demanded removal of her statue of the Virgin Mary while allowing other religious displays.

“As long as those in authority on any level persist in issuing edicts that persecute people of faith, there will be a need for the dedicated defense of our inherent, God-given, freedoms,” declared Ferrara. “I am honored to have joined this all-star team of renowned constitutional lawyers, who are dedicated to preserving our precious liberties.”

A skilled trial lawyer, traditional Catholic, pro-life activist, prolific author, and much sought-after speaker, Ferrara founded the American Catholic Lawyers Association in 1990. His legal concentration is on pro-life defense, religious liberty cases, and unjust laws that attack faith-based organizations and that infringe on parental rights.

Ferrara received his B.A. from Fordham University and his J.D. in 1977 from Fordham University School of Law and is a widely published author on politics and Catholic church affairs.