Sidewalk Advocates for Life is on a mission to transform the sidewalk in front of every abortion facility in America and beyond into a place of real help and hope. As this movement works to transform the culture, saving women and children, the Thomas More Society is there to uphold the right to do so.
Founded by attorney Lauren Muzyka in 2014, Sidewalk Advocates for Life has witnessed over 12,500 mothers and babies saved from abortion. The organization has trained and established local groups that witness daily at more than 200 abortion facilities – and has helped bring about the closure of 25 more. Additionally, over 70 abortion industry workers have left the business as a direct result of the efforts of Sidewalk Advocates for Life.
As Sidewalk Advocates for Life trains, equips, and supports communities across the United States and the world in sidewalk advocacy, the ministry remains Christ-centered and prayer-focused. Participants operate in in a loving, peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding manner. The organization and its executive team model servant-leadership, act with excellence, and remain victory-minded. The group’s practices comply with the law and participants act within the confines of their guaranteed First Amendment rights to share information and life-affirming alternatives.
The goal of Sidewalk Advocates for Life is to be the hands and feet of Christ, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to all present at abortion facilities, thereby eliminating demand for abortion through effective sidewalk outreach, thereby ending abortion.
As an international sidewalk advocacy organization teaching others how to peacefully and effectively offer loving, life-affirming alternatives to those entering abortion facilities, Sidewalk Advocates for Life continues to save babies, offer hope to women, and close abortion facilities. Thomas More Society attorneys remain ready to safeguard these efforts and uphold the First Amendment rights of these dedicated witnesses for life.