The Thomas More Society has stepped in to provide legal services for the Illinois Baptist State Association. The Association provides health coverage and pregnancy related benefits through a third party insurer to their employees. This forces the Association to provide and pay for coverage of abortion. This is a violation of the Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act.
The Association cannot morally participate in the funding of abortion, which they declare to be in conflict with their deeply held beliefs. Founded in 1907, the Illinois Baptist State Association is a partnership of almost 1,000 churches, church plants, and mission congregations working together to advance the gospel in Illinois and around the world. IBSA and its member churches are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Nate Adams, the Executive Director of the Illinois State Association explains why his organization filed a lawsuit against the State's Department of Insurance:
Adams explains, "Our churches and their members believe that abortion is a grave injustice that belief is deeply rooted in the Bible's affirmation that the unborn child is a person, bearing the image of God. From the moment of conception, the Southern Baptist Convention and the Illinois Baptist state association have historically upheld the sanctity of human life in the womb, and repeatedly reaffirmed opposition to legalized abortion, and believe that society has a responsibility to affirm through the laws of the state, a high view of the sanctity of human life, including fetal life in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves."