Letitia James v. Heartbeat International & CompassCare, et al.

Thomas More Society is representing Heartbeat International, CompassCare, and a collective of a dozen pregnancy help organizations in a lawsuit to block imminent, ruinous legal action threatened by New York Attorney General Letitia James, against pro-life ministries that offer and/or promote Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).
On April 30, Thomas More Society attorneys filed a verified complaint in the Supreme Court of New York against James, outlining how her threatened prosecution and intimidation of pregnancy help organizations violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, the New York Constitution, and state civil rights law.
Attorney General James’ latest attack campaign against New York’s pro-life ministries began April 22, when James’ office sent “Notice of Intention to Sue” threat letters to at least a dozen pregnancy help organizations that offer or share information about the APR protocol. James’ threat letter falsely accuses the targeted pregnancy help organizations of “repeated and persistent misleading statements and omissions.” In their filing, Thomas More Society clearly lays out why the organizations’ communications about APR are truthful and, even more, fully protected under the First Amendment. The threat letters gave these pro-life ministries only five business days to explain why James should not sue them for false advertising—their lawsuit is the response to those notices.
Thomas More Society attorneys are requesting court intervention against the Attorney General’s threatened legal action, to safeguard the constitutional rights of Heartbeat International and the collective of pregnancy help organizations—many of which are part of Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue® Network, or otherwise provide information about APR. At its core, James’ threatened litigation seeks to illegally silence HeartbeatInternational and its network member organizations from sharing their science-based, life-affirming message about the benefits, success, effectiveness, and safety of APR.
Case Documents & Updates
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Order of Consolidation, granted May 24, fixing Monroe County as the proper venue and granting Thomas More Society's motion to consolidate.
Motion to Dismiss case brought by NY AG Letitia James in New York Supreme Court - New York County.
Decision on Motion to Consolidate by the Hon. Sam L. Valleriani of the New York Supreme Court – Monroe County.
Request for consolidation of our lawsuit, filed in Rochester, New York, and AG Letitia James' competing lawsuit, filed in Manhattan.
Request for temporary and preliminary injunction against NY AG Letitia James.
Verified Complaint of Heartbeat Int'l, CompassCare, and 10 other pregnancy ministries, against NY AG Letitia James.
View featured press releases related to the case
Pregnancy Help Organizations Sue New York AG in Federal Court for Attack on Abortion Pill Reversal
Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, attempted to move lawsuit against her to a courtroom in Manhattan and failed.
Thomas More Society Responds to NY Attorney General's Lawsuit to Silence Pregnancy Resource Centers
PRESS RELEASE announcing Heartbeat International, et al. v. Letitia James.
Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, has filed FACE Act charges against Pro-Life group.
View featured media appearances related to the case
We sued NY AG Letitia James for her attack on pregnancy help centers
Lawsuit filed against NY AG Letitia James on behalf of Heartbeat International CompassCare, and other pregnancy help centers in New York.
LifeNews | New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center
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