Rev. Kevin Robinson and Rabbi Yisrael A. Knopfler v. Philip D. Murphy, Gov. of the State of New Jersey

In another challenge to COVID-19 restrictions on houses of worship imposed by a Governor, the Supreme Court, citing its decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, reversed the District Court’s denial of injunctive relief against Governor Murphy’s limitation of a house of worship to a mere 25% of their capacity, which relief had been sought by Thomas More Society Special Council Christopher A. Ferrara and Counsel Michael McHale on behalf of Father Kevin Robinson, a Catholic priest, and Rabbi Yisrael Knopfler, an Orthodox Rabbi.
The State has since agreed to allow houses of worship the same 50% capacity enjoyed by other businesses, amending the Governor’s executive orders accordingly. The case is being stayed while the parties await further guidance from the Supreme Court in challenges to COVID-19 regulations still pending before it.
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